– Organisation of the Symposium

Jean-Robert Armogathe, born in 1947, priest (Paris) is director of studies at the Practical School of Higher Studies, correspondent of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, founding member of the Catholic Academy of France, president of the journal Communio-F (and international coordinator) and Éditions J.-P. Migne. Author of numerous books and articles, mainly on the history of philosophy and the history of science in the 17th century, he edited the General History of Christianity (2 vols., Paris, PUF, 2009) and received the Prize Cardinal Grente of the Académie française for all of his work. Latest post: Do angels know how to count ? Paris, Ars dogmatica, 2021.

Marie of Assumption OP, born in 1974, Dominican of the Holy Spirit, doctor of philosophy from the University PSL (Paris Sciences Lettres, École Pratique des Hautes Études), is professor of philosophy at the novitiate of Dominicaines du Saint-Esprit, as well as in final year at the Institution Saint Thomas d’Aquin (Morbihan). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revue Thomiste and has published L’homme personne corporelle. The specificity of the human person in St. Thomas Aquinas (Paris, Parole et Silence, 2014), and Nature and Grace in St. Thomas Aquinas. The man capable of God (Paris, Parole et Silence, 2020).

Father Philippe Capelle-Dumont, philosopher and theologian, Professor of universities (Strasbourg, Sorbonne), honorary dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic Institute of Paris, author of around forty books.

Alexandra Diriart, csj, is an extraordinary stable professor of “Family Spirituality and Transmission of the Faith” at the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II for Marriage and Family Sciences (Lateran). She is also guest professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) and member of the editorial board of the review Nova et Vetera (Friborg). Among his publications: His frontiers are charity. The Church Body of Christ and “Lumen Gentium”, Lethielleux-DDB, Paris 2011 (Henri de Lubac Prize); The desire that leads to spiritual communion and divorced and married people. Cerf, Paris, 2015; Un amore salvato: la forma pasquale della vita coniugale, Amore e strumenti 15, Cantagalli 2018.

Born in Rome in 1942, he entered the Society of Jesus in 1966. Doctor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University, he taught there for many years before becoming its rector from 2004 to 2010. At the same time for 2 years he presides over the Conference of Rectors of Pontifical Roman Universities. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, while having been since 1987 a consultant to many Dicasteries. Referendarius of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signing (since 2000), Father G. Ghirlanda sj was called as expert at the 9th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 1994 on Consecrated Life and at the 10th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2001 on the Bishop at the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope of the world.

Since his return to the diocese, his pastoral work has been mainly in the field of vocations promotion and priestly formation. Since September 2012, he has been Rector of the Diocesan Seminary and Theologate of Avila in Salamanca. He is a member of the Consultative Council of the Rectors of the EEC where he was one of the rapporteurs for the new Priestly Formation Plan (2021).
Since 2008 he has been Professor of Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in whose Faculty he teaches the subjects of Patrology and Theology of the Sacraments as well as other specialised courses. Currently he directs the Mosén Sol Chair for studies on ordained ministry and priestly formation. Among his publications, in addition to his doctoral thesis, he has coordinated several books with other professors (see tribute to José Manuel Sánchez Caro, Los ecos de la Escritura, 2011; to Luis F. Ladaria, La unción de la gloria: en el Espíritu por Cristo al Padre, 2014; to J.M. de Miguel, Glorificatio Dei, sanctificatio hominum, 2017), he has published numerous articles. In this field he has written several articles on the patristic background of St John of Avila’s doctrine of the priesthood. The most recent is entitled: “Los Padres de la Iglesia en la vida del sacerdote según S. Juan de Ávila”, in the context of the International Congress “El presbítero secular en el s. XXI a la luz del magisterio de San Juan de Ávila” held last year in Baeza (Jaén). His latest publication focused on the pneumatological dimension of ordained ministry: “Ministerio del Espíritu y ministros del Espíritu. La dimensión pneumatológica del ministerio ordenado”.

Gabriel Richi Alberti (born in Madrid in 1966), priest of the diocese of Madrid in which he was ordained in 1992. He has deployed his ministry in Madrid, Rome, Venice and Milan. He teaches as a professor of ecclesiology at the Faculty of Theology of the Ecclesiastical University of San Dámaso in Madrid, of which he is currently the dean. Among his subjects of study, he particularly worked on ecclesiology, the Vatican Council II, the ordained ministry as well as the theology of Marie-Joseph Le Guillou. He is also the author of numerous meditations on communion (Madrid 2021) “Una debil criatura lleva a Dios. Vademécum de eclesiología ”(Madrid 2020),“ La Iglesia somos nosotros en Cristo ”(Madrid 2016).

After a doctorate in philosophy at the Institut Catholique de Toulouse, he continued what he had started at the Institut Catholique de Paris: to study certain sources of theology of spiritual life, in particular in recent years around the Curé of Ars and of the mystical and missionary impulse towards Canada in the first part of the 17th century (“Mgr François de Laval, a lover of the Eucharist” in Sufficient faith, Mary and the Eucharist among the founders of New France, under the direction of Thérèse Nadeau-Lacour, Anne Sigier, 2008 Purity of heart in Marie de l’Incarnation and two other of her contemporaries, Monsieur de Bernières and Father Louis Lallemant ”in Marie de l ‘Incarnation, Singularity and Universality. He organizes and intervenes in the Colloquies of Ars which deal with certain aspects of the ministry and the life of the priest. “Celibacy of the priest: the state of the question”, in The celibacy sacerdotal, foundations , joys, challenges, Paris, Word and Silence, 2011. woman of heart and reason, under the He compares the sources and examines the constant elements in all missionary renewal. He has given papers in numerous conferences and congresses on Marie de l’Incarnation (Quebec, Tours) and regularly participates in the CUÉG (University Circle of Guyartian Studies). He is one of the regular organizers and speakers in Ars colloquiums which deal with different aspects of the life and ministry of priests. “Priest celibacy: the state of the matter”, in Priestly celibacy, foundations, joys, challenges, Paris, Parole et Silence, 2011, p. 9-26. The most recent acts published concern La paternité du prêtre, Artège, 2019.

Dominican Father Thomas Joseph White is the director of the Thomist Institute of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome. He is the author of various books and articles, including Wisdom in the Face of Modernity: A Study in Thomistic Natural Theology (Sapientia Press, 2011), The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology (The Catholic University of America Press, 2015 ) Exodus (Brazos Press, 2016) and The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism (Catholic University Press, 2017). He has a forthcoming book titled The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God (Catholic University Press). He is co-editor of the journal Nova et Vetera [English edition], emeritus researcher of the McDonald Agape Foundation and member of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

I SR.MARIE DE L’ASSOMPTION OP general secretary;

CRAV volunteer, responsible for communications
When I work, when I commit myself, it is necessary that there be meaning in what that I do, that the values transmitted are common with what I believe to be true and that I too can transmit these values and their importance.
The Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations (CRAV), by the fact that it aims to promote the necessity and complementarity of vocations, that it transmits the values of the Catholic religion, speaks of the importance of three states of life (consecrated life, priesthood, marriage), and reminds that we are all called, that the Lord has placed a desire to respond to a call in each of us, allows me to convey what seems to me to be truly important for the society today. Furthermore, having had the chance to receive solid human, philosophical and spiritual training during my schooling and being in philosophy studies, the CRAV, through its research, its members and its ideas allows me to deepen and strengthen this knowledge .
Volunteering is also an aspect that I consider important. Since my childhood I have learned to give my time freely, to serve, to help and to find a lot of joy in it. When we have had the chance to receive a lot, give, pass on in turn and return what we have received, all this seems important to me and as very often we receive more than we give!</span >


Father Benoit-Dominique de la soujeole
Father Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole, Dominican from the Province of Toulouse, born in 1955, is ordinary professor of dogmatics at the theological faculty of Friborg (Switzerland). His fields of teaching and research are ecclesiology and the sacraments. He published an Introduction to the Mystery of the Church in 2006 and Consecrated Life in the Mystery of Christ and of the Church in 2020.

Father Jacques Servais
President of the Lubac-Balthasar-Speyr Association, incorporated in 1991 under the patronage of the then card. Joseph Ratzinger, he continues within the framework of the Casa Balthasar which he directs, his activities as professor, lecturer and writer (see www.casabalthasar.org: “study center”).
Recent publications include an expanded edition of the anthology of texts by Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius (San Francisco 2019), as well as contributions on the thought of Adrienne von Speyr, Ferdinand Ulrich and by Henri de Lubac.

Michelina Tenace
After a philosophical and literary training (Laurea Università La Sapienza in 1978) and theological (Doctorate in Theology at the Gregorian University in 1991), she dedicated herself to the themes of dogmatic anthropology, to the authors of the Christian East and to the themes of consecrated life. She teaches dogmatic theology at the Gregorian University (Rome) where she was director of the department of fundamental theology from 2013 to 2018.
A permanent member of the Aletti Center, she is a consultant for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
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